Autism Wing Limited is committed to support the Special Needs Individuals for their overall development to make them self-dependent. We provide various kind of information and knowledge, through our blog, related to autism and other types of disabilities to the concern people to mitigate their sufferings.
Autism Wing Shop provides (both online & offline) the best quality of therapy products, sensory integration tools, occupational therapy tools, physiotherapy tools, speech therapy tools and all other therapy supplies for the betterment of the special needs individuals.
Though some of the products are like traditional toys, each of the products can be used as a tool to support sensory integration therapy, build different kinds of functional skills, and solve the common problems of the special needs children.
The parents, teachers, therapists and caregivers will definitely appreciate the quality of our products which have been used by them in the home, classrooms and therapy centers.
For your convenient, the products of Autism Wing Shop have been categorized and showcased online as Educational Toys, Sensory Toys, and Therapy Products (Occupational Therapy tools, Physiotherapy tools and Speech & Language Therapy tools).
We gladly accept the purchase order from different individuals, special schools, therapy centers, and government offices for supplying proper items as per your requirement.

Shop#22 (Ground Floor),
Mirpur DOHS Shopping Complex,
Mirpur-12, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.
Mobile: +8801716217077 (WhatsApp) & +8801556217077
Email: || FB Page: fb/autismwinglimited/


Autism Wing Limited has got an online and offline shop to provide various types of innovative and interesting educational toys for development of your children.


Autism Wing Limited has got an online and offline shop to provide various types of sensory toys to meet the sensory issues of the special needs individuals.


Autism Wing Limited also provide various types of advanced and effective therapy products imported from the USA for  development of the special needs individuals.


Sensory Brush (USA)

সেন্সরি ব্রাশ (Sensory Brush) এর ব্যবহার

সেন্সরি ব্রাশ (Sensory Brush) একটি থেরাপিউটিক টুল যা সেন্সরি প্রসেসিং ডিসঅর্ডার (SPD), অটিজম, ADHD বা স্নায়বিক সংবেদনশীলতা সম্পন্ন ব্যক্তির চিকিৎসায় ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Autism Wing Shop

অটিজম উইং এর শোরুম এ কিভাবে আসবেন

অটিজম উইং এর শোরুম টি ঢাকা শহরের পশ্চিম প্রান্তে মিরপুর-১২ এর পার্শবর্তী মিরপুর ডিওএইচএস শপিং কমপ্লেক্স এর নীচতলা তে অবস্থিত ২২ নম্বর শপ।
Autism Wing Limited Shop

অটিজম উইং লিমিটেড প্রতিষ্ঠার মূল লক্ষ্য ও উদ্দেশ্য

অটিজম উইং লিমিটেড (Autism Wing Limited) কোম্পানী প্রতিষ্ঠার মূল লক্ষ্য হচ্ছে বাংলাদেশের প্রতিটি বিশেষ চাহিদা সম্পন্ন শিশুদেরকে আত্মনির্ভরশীল হতে সহায়তা করা।
ARK's Z-Vibe

জি-ভাইব (Z-Vibe) এর অপারেশন ও রক্ষনাবেক্ষন

জি-ভাইব (Z-Vibe) বিশেষ চাহিদা সম্পন্ন শিশুদের/ব্যক্তিবর্গের ওরাল থেরাপীর জন্য ARK Therapeutic, USA -এর তৈরী একটি অত্যাধুনিক ওরাল মটর টুল।
Chewy Tube T-Shape

অরিজিনাল CHEWY TUBE T-SHAPE চেনার উপায়

অরিজিনাল Chewy Tube USA - তে তৈরী। অরিজিনাল Chewy Tube একটি সীলড প্যাকেটের মধ্যে থাকে এবং প্যাকেটের গায়ে Made in the USA লেখা থাকে।
Community Clinic

Utilization of Community Clinic as Autism Center

Community clinic is the community-based health care center in Bangladesh to provide Primary Health Care Services to the distress people

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Checklist

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is not a single problem rather bunch of problems in any child. Development delay is a main symptom of autism.

Occupational Therapy for Children with Autism

occupational therapy is essential for children with autism for bringing significant improvement in their lives to make them self-dependent.

Autism Wing Limited, Bangladesh is an Importer and Authorized Distributor of the Speech & Language Therapy (SLT) and Sensory tools of the following companies of the USA:



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