Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Checklist

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is not a single problem. It is a bunch of many problems within an individual. Any abnormality in normal development within a child may be a main symptom of autism. But, in course of time, different other symptoms may be developed. No two autistic individuals, generally, have identical symptoms. But both of them might have some common problem, but not all. Here I have prepared an Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Checklist containing some common problems within the autistic children.

Behavioral Problems:

  • Attraction or addiction to some specific foods.ASD-Checklist
  • Less sleep at night or late night sleep.
  • Unnecessarily moving head or flapping hands.
  • Looking at a revolving object un-intermittently.
  • Attraction to common items or works.
  • Dislike changing any routine. Rigid to everyday routine.
  • Frequently becoming depressed, obsessed, emotional or frustrated.
  • Showing anger unnecessarily and becoming destructive.
  • Frequently biting hands and vests, and tearing own muscles.
  • Frequently banging head to the wall or tearing the hairs.
  • Frequently hitting own self or attacking others.
  • Breaking household items frequently.
  • Repetition of same work on and often. For example, switch on-off.
  • Lining up his/her toys or any other objects rather than playing.
  • Tearing of the labels of the dresses.
  • Swallowing of unnatural things like cloth, plaster, varnish etc.
  • Walking on the toes every now and then.
  • Rolling eyeballs un-naturally.
  • Unable to understand any potential threat.
  • Unable in learning any new thing i.e. learning disability.
  • Capable of doing any work of his choice perfectly.

Communication Problems:

  • Unable to speak at all or delay in speech.
  • Speaking less than natural to his/her age.
  • Speak words but unable to frame sentences.
  • Repetition of same words time and again.
  • Echolalia; talking to self and meaningless.
  • Using signs and signals to draw attention or to get something.

Socialization Problems:

  • Staying alone and aloof.
  • Difficulties in making friends.
  • Difficulties in making relationship with others.
  • Unable to make sign/signal or difficulties in understanding those.
  • Unable in making face or difficulties in understanding face making.
  • Poor eye contact, even it is asked from him/her.
  • Showing anger unnecessarily.
  • Does not respond if called by name.
  • Unable to participate in group games.
  • Making unusual and meaningless sign/signal frequently.
  • Unable to understand the environment for doing any job.

Sensory Sensitivity Problems:

  • Problems with light, sound, smell, color, taste, sense etc.
  • Unable to learn, understand, remember, or think something.
  • Unable to solve any problem.
  • Unable to understand event of sorrow or joy.
  • Over or under response to any pain or joy.
  • Unable to show affection or response to any affection or hug.
  • Becoming confused or frustrated if more than one issues come in front.

A child may have some of the above-mentioned problems of the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Checklist. The individual who has less of the above problem, his/her level of autism is better than the others. The parents are to work harder for the individuals having more problems. But the autistic child can be made self-dependent by eradicating most of the problems of the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Checklist with sincere efforts of the parents and the therapists. The more you give time to your child, more s/he can be improved.

Besides the above-mentioned problems of the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Checklist, every autistic individual have some talents. We are to find out and utilize those talents.

As such, the parents would not be disappointed and we should never give up.